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Writer's pictureMichel Weatherall

Nepenthe & Calm

My fiendish, ghoulish monstrosity,

Come, ride the night-winds with me.

From that accursed and deserted pile did you flee,

You cannae return to that antique castle and trees.

In the sealed valley of Hadoth by the Nile,

Stay and play with me for awhile.

Through the catacombs of Nephren-Ka

To our antics the world says, faux pas.

Dine with me in the unnamed halls of Nitokris,

For ne'er were you and I meant for a life mediocris.

You know the light isnae for me.

In the moonlight, embrace the bitter and the balm.

I can be your nepenthe

and I will be your calm.

Michel Weatherall

Nov. '22


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