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Clean Water for Lukong is the story of a day in the life of a little boy named Lukong, who lives in Kumbo, Cameroon. Lukong is learning about the importance of clean water, and how proud he feels to play a role in the family by helping get the water from the public stand tap, keeping it clean, and helping with related tasks.

Written by Pat Moore, and illustrated by Mary Moore, this book serves both for literacy, and to teach about clean water. It is a beautiful book for young readers, and informs western kids about a day in the life of another culture. As of February 2011, 100 of these books have made their way to Kumbo, for kids in the local reading centre, the library, and neighbourhood schools and homes. The book is making its way to children through the Kumbo Water Authority Improvement Project. Five books have also made their way to children in Ghana. Our “buy a copy for Africa” program enables you to contribute to literacy and education about clean water in Africa. Each copy you buy for Africa will be sent to Cameroon and/or other locations in Africa.

Clean Water for Lukong

SKU: 0015
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