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Ottawa's Best Printer, 2023

Writer's picture: Michel WeatherallMichel Weatherall

The voting results from CommunityVotes - Ottawa 2023 are in, and we're proud to announce Broken Keys Publishing & Press won the 2023 Award for Best Printer, second year running!

With over 36 years in the print-industry, for those who know me also know this holds a special place in my heart. Thank you all who took the time to support Broken Keys Publishing & Press and follow us on this continuing journey.

It has been a rocky start. I cannot say with certainty exactly when Broken Keys Publishing officially launched as a publisher of other literary talents.

8-1/2 years ago with its inception in April 2015 with the release of The Symbiot and A Dark Corner of My Soul?

4 years ago when submissions for our first anthology closed in October 2019?

3-1/2 years ago, with the original plans of early 2020 with the release of Symphonies of Horror: Inspirational Tales by H.P. Lovecraft: The Symbiot Appendum and later that same year with Broken Keys Publishing's first anthology: Thin Places: The Ottawan Anthology (Oct. 2020)?

..... but then the pandemic happened with the government inflicted lockdowns.

We hobbled through the next 2 years of cyclic lockdowns, releasing two more anthologies, but it wasn't until early 2022 with the release two Americans' titles - Samantha Underhill 's Sadness of the Siren (March 2022) and Michael Adubato's Missing the Exit (March 2022) - that I feel we truly came into our own.

What would follow for the remaining of 2022 would be a floodgate of releases and titles. (2022 saw 8 book releases and the addition of 5 new authors).

So officially counting from March of 2022, and it has been 1-1/2 years.... 18 months.

September 2021 would see Broken Keys Publishing step into printing services under the imprint of Broken Keys Publishing & Press.

August 2022 would see the opening of yet another imprint, Broken Keys Publishing - KIDS, for our growing collection of children books' titles and authors.

Our roster now includes 15 authors, the release of 3 award-winning anthologies, 24 titles, and 6 children books! (With another 7 titles and the addition of another 5 authors/poets in the works).

In addition to our continued expansion of excellent repertoire of outstanding authors, writers and poets, we have plans on bringing you more! It is our endeavour to change the literary landscape of Ottawa and surrounding regions!

New titles are lined up to be released in the near future. A young protégé and upcoming poet fresh out of highschool, titles for learning, journaling and activities, a Catholicism dedication and prayer book, an illustrated collection and guide to heritage trees of Ottawa, a dark fictional commentary of Americana, and the list goes on!

Throughout this tumultuous times we have been acknowledged with accolades including,

  • Ottawa Awards for Best Publisher 2020, 2021, & 2022,

  • CPACT Awards for Best Publisher 2021,

  • Ottawa Awards for Best Printer 2023,

  • CommunityVotes Ottawa Awards for Best Printer 2022 & 2023,

  • Ottawa Awards for Book of the Year, 2021, 2022, & 2023

  • Selected pieces have been nominated for Best of the Net 2021 & 2023 (Purgation and The Asshattery of Statistics)

  • Nominated for the CPACT Small Business Excellence Award, 2019

  • Faces of Ottawa Magazine Listed Top 15 Most Influential Ottawa Authors 2022

We also are working towards finding new homes for our titles, locations and bookshops to purchase our titles locally, while, of course, having our titles remaining available worldwide.

Although we live in an age where BKP could technically be run through a phone, over this past year we have more than doubled our office space, and in the very near future will be doubling my scheduled times dedicated to publication & printing.

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