When it rains it pours, and when it pours all rivers lead to the ocean!
The first quarter of 2024 has been a tumultuous time with a great deal of changes happening behind the scenes, both good and bad.
With the identity-crisis, struggles, closures, restructuring, and high staff-turnarounds of Indigo, we have been attempting to find work-around solutions to venues and sales opportunities for our authors, writers, and poets.
We have been working with The Book's Better Bookshop in the background for the past 6 months, and its opening will sport an exclusive and permanent BKP section!
Plans are in the works to have a monthly spotlight showcasing various authors, possibly readings - including children's books and activities, poetry nights, catered events, possibly musical performances (yes, I'm looking at you, Pat Moore), and more!
Last April (10th) marked my retirement from the printing industry and the end of a 37-1/2 year career.
This does not diminish BKP's resources but only adds to it. Namely, I will no longer be constrained by Conflict of Interest issues working for a Trade Printer. (They now become an added resource in BKP's toolbox).
This allows me to tap into other resources and contacts which I was restricted from previously. Things will only get better! (And will open the door for our authors/poets/writers to attain other and better services for business cards, signs, posters, banners, etc.)

Currently BKP is now able to offer printing services of hardcover books - including dust jackets - this official service will publicly be announced soon. (A few minor details still to work out).
There are other avenues we are working on (including an official editing service for those who rather not follow the beta-reader model, but this will have an expense), as well as taking on a file-format expert to fix "buggy files," and more!
The original format/contracts moving forward will have changes in the future, adjusting to a different model, but all original contracts will remain and be grandfathered in.
It has been a long road, and we are proud to have you as travel companions along the way! There are greater adventures on this path forward!

The evolution of Broken Keys Publishing:
Broken Keys Publishing came into existence in April of 2015.
2018 saw the inception of our ARISE events, our first forte into showcasing local literary talents (which would later (early 2022) evolve into ARISE International with our first non-Canadian authors, Samantha Underhill and Michael Adubato).
the Broken Keys Publishing - KIDS imprint would arise in early 2022 as - to our relished surprise - we began collecting a library of children's titles.
September of 2022 yet another imprint, Broken Key Publishing & Press came into being as we expanded fully into printing services.
March 2024 we made a decision to enter Sustainable Publishing, no longer offering e-book, but print-on-demand, and print editions only.
We aren't even at the half-way point of 2024 and we have exceeded our highest expectations in our growth, profitability, publications, quality of writing and authorship. The point isn't a boast but a promise; A promise for bigger than better things!
Our ambition has always been to showcase the numerous talents across multiple fields and not just to put a spotlight on the incredible literary talents that we have, but to change the literary landscape of this city! With the success of our growth and expansion, it is our hope that this puts us - and our poets, writers, authors - into a stronger, more secure, and better position to do just this.
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the pulse of Ottawa's literary scene.
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